How to Improve Lead Quality on Meta

The below is an excerpt from our, ebook on how to drive high quality leads with Meta ads.

At its core, Meta operates on a feedback loop that powers the effectiveness of your ads. It’s a continuous flow that captures information about how users interact with your ads, then feeds that information back into the system for dynamic optimization. Every action your audience takes on an ad, from click to conversion, flows through this system and helps to improve your setup just a little to make the next conversion more likely.

Put differently, this feedback loop powers the optimization of your targeting over time. Any data you can send back to it is another piece of information that Meta can use to build more effective targeting over time.

For most advertisers, this feedback loop ends at the lead conversion. If your ads are set up to generate leads, Meta will take any information it can find on user actions that generate those leads, and target future ads more toward others like them. Its machine learning system identifies users likely to beocme a lead, then continues to find others that may be just as likely to take similar action.


How to Drive Quality Leads with Meta Ads

Discover how to elevate your Meta advertising strategy with our comprehensive guide

This system works well for advertisers simply looking to increase their quantity of leads. But if lead quality matters (as it must when looking for true business outcomes), you have to expand the feedback loop to more advanced actions in the customer journey.

Consider, for example, a scenario in which your need users to schedule an appointment and sign a contract before they can become customers. When simply optimizing for leads, Meta has no means of understanding whether users just wanting to learn more about your business actually take these steps. You need a data flow that can communicate these advanced actions back into the system in order for it to optimize toward users likely to impact your business outcomes.

How to Improve Your Data Flow Into Meta

Expanding your feedback loop and improving your data flow depends on whether you generate leads through website forms or instant forms directly on Meta. Ultimately, as we will explain later in this guide, the best and most successful campaigns tend to leverage both of these lead-generation options.

On website forms, you need to set up Meta’s Conversions API. Set up correctly, it’s a powerful data transfer tool that connects your marketing data from external sources, like your website or app, directly to Meta’s ad platform. It’s even possible to link offline conversions and data from up to 30 days ago back to Facebook, allowing true business outcomes to communicate back and achieve better business outcome optimization.

Crucially, setting up Conversions API will remain unaffected even as Facebook and Meta move away from third-party cookie tracking. Set up as a server-to-server integration, it works exclusively through first-party data, remaining a safe option even as digital options continue to implement more restrictive third-party data policies.

On Meta Instant Forms, your data integration will need to look different. Through Meta’s Conversion Leads CRM Integration, you can pipe CRM data back into the ad platform to backfil deeper post-conversion information for Meta-generated leads.  

Through that integration, you can begin to optimize your targeting with information deeper into the sales funnel. The system, after all, is only as good as the data on which it builds; the deeper into your post-conversion data you can go, the more likely Meta will be to optimize your ads not just for lead generation, but for the generation of quality leads that are likely to become customers and generate revenue.

To learn more about driving high quality leads, check out our full ebook on how to drive high quality leads with Meta ads.


How to Drive Quality Leads with Meta Ads

Discover how to elevate your Meta advertising strategy with our comprehensive guide

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