Web Forms vs Lead Forms for Meta Ads Explained

The below is an excerpt from our, ebook on how to drive high quality leads with Meta ads.

Just as different audiences react positively to different creative, they also prefer different ways of becoming a lead. Some may prefer the convenience of providing their information without leaving Meta, while others like the more personalized experience on a web form. Yet others may prefer to reach out via web chat or phone instead of leaving their information in a form.

The key, then, is not finding the experience most of your audience likes and optimizing your entire campaign for it. Instead, it lies in building different experiences to reach different audience segments. 

Direct contact options like web chat, Messenger, and click to call are important to keep in mind, but require optimizations that are outside of the scope of this guide. Here, we will focus on the two related-but-different optoins of web forms and Meta Instant Forms. Build ads linking to both options to reach more members of your audience in their preferred ways.

The advantage of web forms lies in the quality of leads you can generate. The experience is more customized and personalized, helping you generate more qualified leads. But they take more time to build, and the volume of leads you receive will be lower compared to Instant Forms.

The advantage of Instant Forms is in the quantity of leads you receive. Most, if not all, of the user information is pre-completed by Meta, reducing lead conversion friction. But the leads will be lower in quality, like pre-filled emails that may not be the main point of contact for your audience anymore.

In other words, these two lead generation experiences complement each other perfectly. You just need to optimize them accordingly.

How to Optimize Your Web Forms for Lead Volume

With a propensity for high-quality, low-volume lead generation, optimizing your web forms means increasing the number of users that will sign up for your form. That starts with making sure your landing page follows the three C’s: continuity, content, and call to action. 

    • Continuity: At their best, web landing pages with integrated lead generation forms naturally follow the ads that led to them. They include the same language, offers, and visuals to build a continuous experience.
    • Content: Your landing pages need to compel your audience to become a lead. They also need to be optimized for mobile devices, include plenty of visuals, and address any objections your audience might have.
    • Call to action: The moment users get to your landing page, they should know where to take the next step. The CTA button needs to be actionable, easy to click, above the fold, and clearly stand out in color.

How to Drive Quality Leads with Meta Ads

Discover how to elevate your Meta advertising strategy with our comprehensive guide

Beyond the three C’s, your website should be designed for a mobile flow. Phone users interact differently with websites and landing pages compared to their desktop experience. Optimize your landing page and form for the primary, secondary, and tertiary thumb zones, avoid obstructions like using radio buttons, and ensure that your form is easy to fill out in multiple lines of fields.

Finally, optimize your forms for first-party data collection. Focus on the most pertinent information needed to nurture your new leads, focusing primarily on contact information initially while forgoing secondary information that you can also gather in future interactions with your leads.

How to Optimize Your Instant Forms for Lead Quality

On Meta’s Instant Forms, the challenge revolves around building quality leads. That means optimizing for intent, utilizing conditional logic, and testing rich creative to enhance your form.

When setting up Instant Forms, Meta enables you to choose whether you want to optimize for volume or for intent. Choosing the ladder means adding an additional step to the lead generation for that requires the user filling out the information to review it before submitting. This extra step reduces random, low-quality leads, driving more quality in the process.

In addition, Meta enables advertisers to set up conditional logic within their lead forms. Set it up right, and you can signal to Meta exactly what types of leads you’re aiming to generate, reducing the chance that the platform will simply continue to push as many leads as possible your way.


How to Drive Quality Leads with Meta Ads

Discover how to elevate your Meta advertising strategy with our comprehensive guide

For example, you can ask users how soon they intend on entering in a contract with you. Naturally, those who would like to start that relationship as soon as possible would be considered higher-quality leads. Set up the form so that anyone answering ASAP to your question will be considered a qualified lead, and Meta will begin to optimize its targeting to focus primarily on leads that provide this answer.

Finally, it pays to leverage the full creative possibilities of Instant Forms. Beyond simply hoping that audiences will be convinced enough to complete the form by your ad, you can add additional context around the lead form itself. Social proof, showing different products, providing incentives for completion, explanations of your service, and more can all help to educate users and make it more likely that those submitting their information care. You’ll lose leads that don’t, but can be more confident that those who do sign up are relevant to your business.

How to Simplify the Lead Process

Regardless of whether you user web forms, Instant Forms, or both, you can take two additional steps that help to pull users through to conversions: optimizing your questions, and incentivizing users in exchange for completing their information.

The first piece is simple: don’t ask too many questions. The easier you make it for users to submit their information, the more your conversion rate will increase. In one case study, HubSpot found five fields to be the magic threshold; any more, and conversion rates began to drop. It’s not an absolute number, but the general trend remains true regardless of industry.

At first, simplifying your questions may appear to be counter to the effort of generating more quality leads. When you need that additional context to qualify your leads, consider shifting from one long form to simplier, multi-step forms.

It’s a basic psychological game. Asking 10 individual questions on a step-based approach will result in more form completions than the same ten questions on a single page. If you need those extra questions to improve lead quality, moving to this paginated approach instead can work wonders.

Finally, consider testing different ways to incentivize lead submissions. Options may include anything from discount codes to gated guides and whitepapers, or even webinars. In one Disruptive Digital case study, a client saw a 48% higher conversion rate and 12% lower CPM when offering a monthly guide to download in exchange for a lead submission.


Build Higher-Quality Meta Leads With Disruptive Digital

Ultimately, creating more high-quality leads through your Meta ads comes down to three elements: better data, better (and more diversified) creative, and better lead generation experience for your audience. Put them all together, and you get a comprehensive approach specifically designed to optimize your Meta ads for the entire user experience, from first view and beyond the conversion.

To learn more about driving high quality leads, check out our full ebook on how to drive high quality leads with Meta ads.

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